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About The ITAB

AIS Global is contracted by the NSW Department of Education to administer the NSW Public Sector ITAB which has a primary purpose of engaging and consulting industry and training system stakeholders across NSW. 

The ITAB supports the skills and training of the Corrections, Local Government, Public Safety, Defence, Police, Public Sector and Water industry workforces.

The ITAB engages with employers, associations, peak bodies, RTOs and unions to consult on the following key areas:

  • Industry labour and skills needs, training priorities and development issues for VET in NSW
  • Training access across regional and remote NSW and barriers to quality delivery
  • Barriers to industry’s uptake of funded training
  • Uptake of apprenticeship and traineeship arrangements in NSW including school-based arrangements
  • Implications for training provision in NSW through the development and review of National Training Packages
  • Promotion of vocational education and training to school students

The Mission

Each of the ten ITABs in NSW are autonomous bodies that represent their designated industries to ensure workforces benefit from quality vocational education and training. They advise on labour and skills shortages and work with industry on solving workforce development issues.

ITABs give streamlined, unique and timely advice to the Department of Education and its vocational education and training division Training Services NSW.

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